
YTP #7: Nola Ganem – On Embracing the Shadow Self, Dropping Perfectionism & Finding Cacao

By in Podcast

Today on the show we welcome a dear friend, world traveler, massage therapist, healer and one and only, Cacao Queen. We spend no time beating around the bush. We dive right into our conversation with talking about the shadow aspects of our human life. We are no strangers to fear mongering energies but through our work we have learned how to better recognize and relate to them when they show up. We are in a new age of accessible spiritual shifting and these darker pieces of us can no longer be denied. Living in alignment is about balancing all aspects of ourselves, light and dark.

This new paradigm requires us to embrace these energies and welcome them in. This is otherwise known as having a tea party with your demons. Enveloping all that is in love is simply to connect in with our truth. Nola explains that love is our most powerful aspect. It’s the source from where we come and the gateway to connect with totality. It is the healing antidote and a key ingredient in changing habits and belief systems that hold us back from our greatness. Nola describes how she meets her low vibes with loving energy and recognizes her self-saboteur as just a part of her that has a message to deliver.  

The work of truth seeking is not always the easiest path yet there still remains a myth that living the life of a yogi brings only peaceful waves of life. Everything is always changing and it’s our relationship to those changes and differing energies that determines our growth or demise. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. It is not the other way around and we can learn to utilize the waves of life as rocket fuel for our own expansion. On the spiritual path there is no end point, the tests keep coming but with time, wisdom allows us to see them all as they are, moments of gold.

Nola describes herself as an empath living in an expanded state. She defines the role of an empath as a light-worker who arrives into this world in order to clean it up and process the denser energies for others. The purpose of an empath, which she defines, is rooted in lifting the heavy in order to bring in the light for the betterment of our world. Nola has dug deep for many years to allow herself the growth necessary to be the intuitive processor that she is today.

She has studied with master teachers and worked at national and international holistic institutes. A self proclaimed training junkie and massage therapist for over a decade, she describes herself as a divine schedule maker. She believes that when we live and share our gifts through word of mouth, testimonial based business, the universe supports us with endless abundance. She is finding this in her own life as she bravely steps into the world everyday believing in her role as facilitator of healing through a sacred lineage of cacao.

Grown on the Pacific slope of a cloud forest in Guatemala, she describes the climate and location as having the right energies to make the spiritual, physical and mental blessings far greater than other chocolates. This particular type of cacao never touches a machine. It is hand-picked, hand-harvested, hand-peeled, hand-dried, hand-delivered, hand-roasted, hand-ground, hand-packaged and sent to your door. From healing heart ailments to increasing fertility and athletic performance, it’s what the sherpas use to climb mountains, people are reporting major life changes in their health and relationships from working with this specific cacao. BJ and I have been using it as a part of our health and training regime for the last few years with great success.

In 2015, Nola and I had the opportunity to meet in San Marcos, Guatemala where she has traveled annually for the last six years, to work with her teacher, Keith, also known as the Chocolate Shaman. I had the pleasure to engage one on one with Keith during my stay as well as partake in cacao ceremonies on his porch, a no frills, love-filled slab that draws people from all over the world in search of transformation.

We conclude our conversation with a recap of her recent service trip to the Mayan highlands through the Global Healthworks Foundation (GHF). A heart centered, non-profit organization, based out of New York City, the GHF provides high grade holistic healthcare to underprivileged populations of Guatemala. In the span of 5 days, Nola and her team treated 1,000-1,500 people with acupuncture, massage therapy, mayan abdominal massage and other healing modalities.

Nola stands for love, for belief and a life of purpose. Living this way is a daunting, courage summoning way of being that is unique to each one of us. Living a spiritual way of life in a human body is what we we’re always meant to do and at its core, beneath all of its layers, there is a reassuring simplicity that rests in the arms of love. This episode is about stepping in our passion, love, belief and power. Trusting that we are always supported, even when we look around to see an empty room.

Nola’s work with this powerful plant medicine makes her a part of a global patchwork of lightworkers leading cacao ceremonies to facilitate healing all over the world. If you ready, Nola is available to help you reach your next level of freedom. She is not just a friend of mine, she is been one of my greatest healers and teachers and I believe that these pieces of her shine bright through this latest installment of the YTP.

The greatest way to support us is to tune in and share this podcast with you friends. Let us know what you think and stay tuned because we have more to say, more to share and more to bring you every week from a place of love, passion, courage and community.

Namaste Spiritual Beings in a Human Body!

Episode 7: Show Notes

Connect with Nola: Facebook, Instagram and email 

Cacao Tribe Rhode Island

Bentinho Massaro

Matt Kahn

Byron Katie

Ho’oponopono Prayer

Intro to Keith: The Chocolate Shaman

Lake Atitlan

Arvigo Therapy

Global Healthworks Foundation



  1. Nikko 8 years ago

    killer podcast. just subscribed. not sure if you remember this but we had a moment on the porch………. “pull my ears”!

    much love!!!!

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